Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Transplants Underway

Over the past several weeks we have been working on getting many of our transplants started. So far we have over 400 each of tomatoes and peppers and a whopping 34,000 onions! Because our greenhouse will not be going in on the new property until the end of next month, we've been getting creative about where to keep all of the flats of transplants that we've started. Joannee's basement has once again been converted into a plant paradise, as has my brother and sister-in-law's basement. We cleared out a spare bedroom in my house and set up some tables and donated grow lights, too. It's become the warmest room in the house! We'll be glad when the greenhouse is completed so that we can have our living spaces back, though it is not entirely unpleasant to share our homes with the smell of dirt and our happy, green friends.


1 comment:

  1. Shannon,
    dirt is what you get under your fingernails- a wise friend told me- you plant in soil :)
