Friday, March 25, 2011

Planting warm season crops to remind us that it won't stay cold forever.

Over the past few days the weather has gone from pleasant and very much like spring is "supposed" to be, to cold and raw with ice and snow flurries. On Wednesday we decided to postpone our plans of working outside and instead worked on getting the warm season crops for the hoop house seeded. Using mini soil blocks, we seeded three varieties of basil, seven varieties of peppers and ten varieties of tomatoes. 

Punching out mini soil blocks with the soil block maker

 Seven varieties of peppers seeded and ready to go into the germination chamber

With sunny weather in the forecast, we're looking forward to getting out in the field again to continue work on our perennial and u-pick area. Our field at Tuthill Farms was turned this week, and the sight of bare earth is good encouragement that things will be green and growing soon enough!

Jim Tuthill and some of the newly turned soil at Tuthill Farms


Friday, March 18, 2011

Welcome to Stone Coop Farm's new site!

Hello all! Thanks for stopping by. It's great to be up and running online. With our new site/blog, we will be better able to communicate with our members and customers about the farm. Here you will find information about the farm and farmers, membership plans, harvest schedules, recipes, events, newsletters, contact information and more. Some pages are still under construction, and we hope to have the site fully updated by April.

A brief orientation of the site:

Beneath the big purple main banner, you will see green links to different pages. These pages contain detailed information as described by their title. Within some of the pages, at the bottom, are downloadable PDF versions of the information. Clicking on the link will redirect you to another page. There you can download the file, then return to the main website by using the back button in your browser.

Beneath the page links on the main blog page you will view the seven most recent blog posts in chronological order. You may comment on a post by clicking the Comment link beneath each post. Comments are moderated, so it may take several hours before your comment becomes visible. You may also share the blog on Twitter, Facebook and other various sites by clicking on their respective logos beneath each post.

Once again to the top of the page, now to the right side of the screen, you will find a list of upcoming events on the farm. You may click on each event to see more details.

Beneath the events are Labels, which are tags that we use in posts for ease of navigation. For instance, we will frequently post recipes on the blog. These posts will contain the label "Recipe", which will be shown in the aforementioned Label section. By clicking on the Recipe label, one can view all the recipes we have posted.

The Blog Archive is beneath Labels. Here you can find previous blog posts sorted by month.

Beneath the Blog Archive is an option to subscribe to the blog posts.

In our Links section beneath Subscribe To, we will have links to some of our favorite websites.

Near the bottom of the page, you can see our Picasa photostream, which is an online album of our pictures. Click on a picture and a new window or tab will open with our Picasa album where you can click through the farm's pictures.

At the very bottom of the page is the Farm's Blogger profile and an option to share the blog.

Whew, I think that's about it. Thanks for reading! We'd love to hear from you via comments or email.
Once again, welcome to Stone Coop Farm!

Co-Owner of Stone Coop Farm, LLC