Monday, June 10, 2013


As the seasons turn, so do the crops on the farm transition. We have been clearing out beds of winter and spring produce in the hoop houses to make way for the summer crops. Tomatoes, peppers, sweet potatoes, basil, okra, and more have all been transplanted over the past month and are all enjoying the extra protection afforded to them by the hoop houses. Some of the tomato plants, planted in late April and early May, are already over six feet tall! We're watching with eager expectation as the little green tomatoes grow, excited for the first taste of summer that will soon be upon us. 

As summer comes to bear, the farm also hits something of a lull in produce production in June. With the spring and winter crops finished and the summer produce not quite mature, this time of year is always low on options for produce. Yet, in just over a week, our Summer Shares begin, and we have to be some creative farmers to determine just what our shares will be getting in these first few lean weeks. Soon enough, though, the summer harvest will be in full force and we won't know what to do with the 2,000 pounds of tomatoes we're harvesting each week!

Remember that shares are still available as well so that you can get in on the bounty when the harvest really begins to come in. Check out the different types of shares to see what is the best fit for you and your family:

Helping Share (we are sold out of Work Shares for the season)

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