It's been a rainy week here on the farm, but the show goes on--and we've got plenty to show for it! Broccoli, parsley, summer squash, and kohlrabi have been planted despite the weather's best efforts, and the field kale harvest is brisk and bountiful. You can expect to see bunches of curly red and curly green kale, as well as bags of the ever-popular lacinato variety, at tomorrow's
Brighton Farmers Market,
8 AM - 1 PM. In addition, we'll have a very small amount of sweet Sungold cherry tomatoes and 4th of July salad tomatoes available. Come around early to get yours!

Speaking of which, the great tomato harvest is just now ramping up; we managed to pluck some twenty pounds this week, but within a month we can expect roughly eight hundred to a
thousand pounds per week. Whether you take them raw or fried, on sandwiches or salads, drizzled with balsamic or sprinkled with salt, this is great news for all tomato-lovers.
That about covers it for now. We look forward to seeing you at market tomorrow, where we'll also be offering eggplants and purple peppers for the first time this season!