Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Summer Shares

In a few weeks we will be opening up our farm shares to purchase for new members not on the current waiting list*. We have had some folks ask us what is a typical weekly Summer Share. Below are three distributions from different times during the summer of 2011. You can also check out the Harvest Timeline for a general idea of when certain produce will be available.

Harvest Items for week of June 22nd (week 2)
Salad Mix
Beet Greens
Garlic Scapes

Harvest Items in the Summer Share for week of August 17th (week 10)
New Potatoes
Beets and Greens
Summer Squash
Sweet Pepper

Harvest Items in the Summer Share for week of October 12th (week 18)
Winter Squash - 2 of your choice
Green Tomatoes
Beets with greens
Sweet Peppers
Hot Peppers
Kossack Kohlrabi (large storage kohlrabi - so crisp and sweet, almost like eating a crisp apple)
Herbs - your choice of 2

We do our distributions "buffet-style". Crates of the produce available for the share will be set up with labels indicating how much of each produce type to take, as you can see with the kale and chard above. We also often have recipes for the produce available at distribution and are always happy to talk about the best ways to prepare each type of veggie. During distribution is also a good time for members to go to the u-pick garden to harvest the vegetables there that are available to all members for free. We are always open to suggestions as to what our members would like to have available in the u-pick space.

*If you would like to get on the waiting list for a chance to reserve a share early, contact us before January 28th.

A New Year, A New Season

Things are looking good in the hoop house this winter. As I write this, the sun is shining and it's a balmy 65F inside the hoop house. Both Joannée and I took some time off around the holidays and did some traveling. Joannée was in Kentucky and North Carolina visiting friends and family. I was in Wyoming for Christmas and New Year's, skiing and spending time with family, then traveled to Utah, Oregon and Washington to visit friends. Needless to say, we both greatly appreciated the time away, but are glad to be back and working on plans for 2012 on the farm!

We've been plugging away on crop plans and our seed list, as well as figuring out where we'll be growing all of our transplants. Because we don't have a greenhouse yet, the logistics are going to be interesting to say the least. Yesterday we had a master plan meeting for the new property, laying out the locations of structures such as a farm stand pavilion, four hoop houses, a greenhouse and the farm house and barns. It's been very exciting to work through the process of developing a plan for our land and creating a place for the farm to grow and flourish in the years to come.
